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🏆 Quest Performance

Quest Performance leverages Wallet Intelligence to analyze a batch of wallet addresses that have completed quests or tasks within a questing platform. By using this tool, developers can assess the quality of acquired wallets, identify potential bots or low-quality users, and compare the effectiveness of different quest campaign strategies.

Web3 developers can use Quest Performance in several key scenarios, including:

  • Evaluating and Optimizing Campaign Effectiveness: Assess the quality of wallets acquired through different quest campaigns to determine which strategies yield the best results and refine future quest strategies for better user acquisition and engagement.
  • Identifying Bots and Low-Quality Users: Flag suspicious or low-engagement wallets to ensure rewards and incentives are directed towards genuine, high-quality participants.
  • Segmenting User Base: Categorize wallets based on their engagement and completion of quests to tailor future campaigns and offers more effectively.

Using Quest Performance, Web3 developers can optimize their questing strategies, enhance user quality, and improve the overall effectiveness of their campaigns, leading to a more engaged and loyal user base.


Step 0: Obtain Quest Completion Wallet Batch

  • Obtain a list of blockchain wallet addresses that have completed quests or tasks within a questing platform. This batch should consist of wallets that have received rewards for completing quests.
  • This batch can contain up to 10,000 addresses.
  • If the list is over 10K wallets, then you will need to submit multiple requests. Example -->

Step 1: Obtain API Key

Step 2: Construct the API Request

  • Use the multi-wallet endpoint URL
  • Set the request method to POST.

Step 3: Set Headers

  • Include the X-Api-Key header in your request with your API key as the value.
  • Set the Content-Type header to application/json.

Step 4: Send the Request

  • Execute the request, submitting the array of wallet addresses in the request body.
--request POST '' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '["0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045","0x988527874C7E3f02115F89A6a97135c70B6a47Fc",...,"0x5f3fd252caa351a69f5c98b78fd0db71adfe5bea"]'

Step 5: Receive and Interpret the Response

  • Upon receiving the response from the API, parse the data into a CSV file or spreadsheet format to analyze the wallet audience in aggregate.
  • Review the attributes of each wallet object, including botWarning, outboundTransactionValue, balance, outboundTransactionCount, hodlerScore, and other characteristics as well as the aggregate statistics like % bots, median balance, and median hodlerScore.
  • Compare the performance of different quest campaigns by analyzing wallet characteristics and engagement metrics.
"data": {
"address": "0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045",
"firstSeenAt": "2015-09-28T08:24:43.000Z",
"balance": 3206079.16,
"hodlerScore": 55,
"engagementScore": 84,
"botWarning": false,
"outboundTransactionValue": 64270664.33,
"outboundTransactionCount": "1244",
"transactionPatterns": [
{ "key": "CONTINUOUS", "value": false },
{ "key": "HIGH_VELOCITY", "value": false },
{ "key": "SUSPICIOUS_WALLET_NETWORK", "value": false },
{ "key": "TIMED", "value": false }
"data": {
"address": "0x988527874C7E3f02115F89A6a97135c70B6a47Fc",
"firstSeenAt": "2021-09-14T12:15:40.000Z",
"balance": 1476.61,
"hodlerScore": 98,
"engagementScore": 99,
"botWarning": true,
"outboundTransactionValue": 64270664.33,
"outboundTransactionCount": "1244",
"transactionPatterns": [
{ "key": "CONTINUOUS", "value": true },
{ "key": "HIGH_VELOCITY", "value": false },
{ "key": "SUSPICIOUS_WALLET_NETWORK", "value": true },
{ "key": "TIMED", "value": false }
"data": {
"address": "0x5f3fd252caa351a69f5c98b78fd0db71adfe5bea",
"firstSeenAt": "2024-04-11T07:18:39.000Z",
"balance": 1.95,
"hodlerScore": 63,
"engagementScore": 22,
"botWarning": false,
"outboundTransactionValue": 1.56,
"outboundTransactionCount": "5",
"transactionPatterns": [
{ "key": "CONTINUOUS", "value": false },
{ "key": "HIGH_VELOCITY", "value": false },
{ "key": "SUSPICIOUS_WALLET_NETWORK", "value": false },
{ "key": "TIMED", "value": false }

If the wallet address provided doesn't exist, wasn't in the correct format, or is not on a supported chain, the response for that entry will be null.

Step 6: Generate Insights

  • Utilize the extracted data to generate insights and optimize the quest campaign.
  • Assess the quality of acquired wallets and adjust quest strategies to target higher-value users.
  • Compare the performance of different quest campaigns to identify the most effective user acquisition strategies.

Suggested analysis to run:


  • % Bot Warnings
  • % Transaction Pattern flags (i.e. % flagged for suspicious wallet network)


  • Total, median, average balance
  • Top 10 wallets by balance
  • Total, median, average outboundTransactionValue
  • Top 10 Wallets wallets by outboundTransactionValue


  • Median, average, hodlerScore
  • Top 10 wallets by hodlerScore
  • Median, average, engagementScore
  • Top 10 wallets by engagementScore


  • Total, median, average outboundTransactionCount
  • Top 10 wallets by outboundTransactionCount
  • Segment by wallet age based on firstSeenAt timestamp


By evaulating a Quest Performance using Thirdwave's Wallet Intelligence API, developers can gain valuable insights into the quality of acquired wallets and optimize quest campaigns to improve user acquisition and engagement.