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Wallet Intelligence is a simple HTTP REST API to enable all wallet-aware projects to make smarter business decisions through deep onchain analytics. It can help you answer questions like:

  • Growth. Which wallets on my whitelist are bots?
  • Insights. What is the average value of my customer wallets?
  • Targeting. Who is most likely to make a purchase in my game?

Now any project can use real-time wallet data to personalize onboarding, benchmark against competitors, and unlock additional engagement with dynamic rewards.

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Get API Key​

We can't wait to see what you build!

Common Onboarding Questions​

How do you charge for Wallet Intelligence?​

Thirdwave is committed to supporting all web3 builders with a free, fast, and fully-featured API to bring actionable insights to every project. All keys come with up to 10,000 API requests per month by default. Need more? Contact our team to raise your limit.

What are the different ways I can leverage Wallet Intelligence?​

There are many different applications for wallet-aware projects to gain value from Wallet Intelligence from analyzing wallet audience segments to understand user quality to real-time integrations to customize the user experience based on onchain value & behaviors. Check out the full set of use cases and step by step instructions here to get started.

How can I provide feedback about Wallet Intelligence?​

For technical support please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of the following channels: